I am The Master

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A would-be conqueror of the universe, the Master is the Doctor’s oldest and deadliest foe. A rival Time Lord with the same ability to change his physical appearance by regeneration and occasionally body-snatching, this cunning villain holds the ability to manipulate, charm and destroy whole races in equal measure, often doing so for the simple gain of making the Doctor suffer.

Once boyhood friends on Gallifrey, the Doctor and the Master became polar opposites, one celebrating life in the Universe, the other taking great pleasure trying to destroy it. A highly skilled hypnotist, the Master was able to dominate and control his victims into doing his bidding.

His weapons of choice were the Tissue Compression Eliminator and Laser Screwdriver.

The latest incarnation of the Master transformed into a female form, Missy, who’s traits still held firm – death and destruction always foremost on her mind.


Multi-Doctor stories are commonplace on Doctor Who, however the first time two Master’s appeared together was in the 2017 finale, where current incarnation Missy (Michelle Gomez) met her previous regeneration (John Simm). The two Masters ended up fatally wounding each other, when Missy decided to side with the Doctor.

Roger Delgado’s first Master appeared exclusively in the Third Doctor’s era, Peter Pratt and Geoffery Beevers in the Fourth, John Simm’s incarnation in the Tenth and Twelfth and Michelle Gomez played Missy in the Twelfth Doctor’s era. Anthony Ainley, however, holds the record for appearing alongside the most incarnations of the Doctor: the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors in multi episode stories, as well as the First, Second and Third in the feature-length anniversary special The Five Doctors.

Game Use:

Ever wake up wanting to destroy the world? Sick of saving the Universe? The Master is the complete polar opposite of the Doctor in your game of Exterminate! Like the Doctor, the Master is a being of many faces, but with one unifying desire: to dominate or bring chaos, depending on his whim.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


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