Doctor Who 11th Doctor & Companions

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Contains 5 Figures



Youthful in appearance, but centuries old, the Eleventh Doctor loved life, but had little tolerance for those who did him wrong. A fondness for hats and Jammie Dodgers, he was adventurous and unpredictable. He travelled with Amy and Rory and, later, Clara – the Impossible Girl.

He married Professor River Song and faced and defeated countless enemies including The Silence, Weeping Angels and Daleks. Revisiting the Time War, he discovered that he and his past incarnations had saved his home world, Gallifrey, and the Time Lords from destruction, but his planet was lost somewhere in the endless void of space and time.

This box contains the following unpainted pewter miniatures: the Eleventh Doctor in his Series 6 outfit, Amy, dressed in her kissogram outfit and Rory in his nurse’s uniform from The Eleventh Hour, Clara in her Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS dress and River Song as she appeared in The Impossible Astronaut. It also includes gaming cards allowing you to use these figures in our Exterminate! miniatures game.

Game Use:

In Exterminate! Clara, Amy and Rory provide new skills for a Doctor and Companions faction, whilst River Song’s in-game capabilities make her a perfect bodyguard for her beloved Doctor.


The Eleventh Doctor made his debut in The Eleventh Hour where he meets the young Amelia Pond for the first time when the TARDIS crash lands in her garden. This story also introduces Rory, who is working as a nurse in Ledworth Hospital.

The Eleventh Doctor made a cameo appearance in Deep Breath phoning Clara from Trenzalore, to assure her the new Twelfth Doctor was still the same man, albeit in a new body, who needed her help to recover from his new regeneration.

Although the Twelfth Doctor’s memories of Clara Oswald are wiped, they are later restored to him in his final adventure Twice Upon a Time (2017) just before he regenerates.

Models supplied unassembled and unpainted


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