Gallifreyan Guards

Gallifreyan Guards

May 17, 2019

The Doctor’s home planet, Gallifrey, having allowed itself to be drawn into the Last Great Time War, was suddenly faced with a great crisis necessitating the raising of troops to do battle.

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Transparent Thirteenth Doctor TARDIS

Transparent Thirteenth Doctor TARDIS

March 15, 2019

The TARDIS is an abbreviation, it stands for: Time And Relative Dimension In Space.

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The Twelfth Doctor’s TARDIS - open door version

The Twelfth Doctor’s TARDIS - open door version

November 09, 2018

Warlord Games are delighted to announce our latest TARDIS scale model, compatible with our entire Into The Time Vortex range of figures!

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The Thirteenth Doctor & TARDIS

The Thirteenth Doctor & TARDIS

October 26, 2018

After a spectacular regeneration inside his TARDIS, the Twelfth Doctor regenerated into a brand new body. The Thirteenth Doctor is the woman who, quite literally, fell to Earth!

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Doctor Who Time Lords

Doctor Who Time Lords

October 12, 2018

The Time Lords invented space and time travel machines known as TARDISes, but closely monitored their use to ensure time was neither abused nor history changed.

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The Fourth Doctor & Companions

The Fourth Doctor & Companions

September 14, 2018

Never without his trademark scarf and a bag of jelly babies, the Fourth Doctor was more distant and alien than his predecessors.

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Doctor Who Card Sets

Doctor Who Card Sets

August 10, 2018

Each of the Ogrons, Slitheen, Draconians, the Abzorbaloff & Victor Kennedy or The Woman Who Lived 6-card sets is now available so you can play your models in Doctor Who.

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The Fires of Pompeii

The Fires of Pompeii

August 10, 2018

Inside the volcano the Doctor discovers a cavern filled with Pyroviles – creatures composed of rock. These aliens want to conquer the earth after their home planet has been lost.

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August 10, 2018

The Emojibots were robots who served as avatar interfaces to the sentient microbots, the Vardy.

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The Headless Monks

The Headless Monks

July 13, 2018

The Headless Monks, also known as the Order of the Headless, are deadly religious warriors who follow the Papal Mainframe.

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The Papal Mainframe

The Papal Mainframe

July 13, 2018

Led by Mother Superious Tasha Lem, the Church of the Papal Mainframe is a religious organisation fronted by a gigantic spaceship containing a massive computer database.

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Doctor Who Tomb of the Cybermen collectors diorama

Doctor Who Tomb of the Cybermen collectors diorama

July 13, 2018

The Cyber tombs: a massive elaborate underground complex on the planet Telos which held the last remaining Cybermen in the universe.

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The Mire

The Mire

June 15, 2018

Their reputation across the galaxy suggests the Mire are a fierce and powerful alien race. They wear large, imposing armour with built-in energy weapons mounted on their wrists.

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June 15, 2018

The Autons are terrifying living plastic automatons controlled by the Nestene Consciousness. These fearsome killers are often disguised as shop window mannequins.

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Sontaran General Staal

Sontaran General Staal

May 11, 2018

General Staal, also known as 'Staal the Undefeated', was commander of the Tenth Sontaran Battle fleet.

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Sontaran Squad

Sontaran Squad

May 11, 2018

Hailing from the planet Sontar, the Sontarans are a clone race of soldiers, literally bred for war, whose greatest pleasure is to see the destruction of other races. 

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The Time Warrior

The Time Warrior

May 11, 2018

Arriving in the middle ages with journalist Sarah Jane Smith, the Third Doctor discovers a lone Sontaran warrior, commander Linx, who has crash-landed and is stranded.

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Card Sets

Card Sets

April 13, 2018

For all our 2018 releases and beyond, every figure has their own unique gaming card allowing you to deploy each character as part of a Faction, or as an Agent to a Faction in our Exterminate! game.

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Ninth Doctor & Companions

Ninth Doctor & Companions

April 13, 2018

Battle-scarred, but with a great love of life and adventure, the Ninth Doctor invited Rose Tyler aboard the TARDIS for a trip of a lifetime.

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The Dominators

The Dominators

April 13, 2018

Navigator Rago and his second-in-command, Probationer Toba, are accompanied by their robotic servants, the Quarks, who round up slave workers from the planet Dulkis’ pacifist inhabitants.

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I am The Master

I am The Master

March 16, 2018

A would-be conqueror of the universe, the Master is the Doctor’s oldest and deadliest foe. A rival Time Lord with the same ability to change his physical appearance by regeneration and occasionally body-snatching.

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The Empress of Mars

The Empress of Mars

March 16, 2018

In Empress of Mars, the Twelfth Doctor, Nardole and Bill travel to Mars, after NASA discover a message reading ‘God Save The Queen’ under the ice on the surface of the red planet.

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Ice Warriors

Ice Warriors

March 16, 2018

The Ice Warriors, natives of the planet Mars, are large, imposing bipedal reptilians, housed inside biomechanical armour and armed with sonic weaponry.

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Doctor Who TARDIS

Doctor Who TARDIS

February 16, 2018

The TARDIS is an abbreviation, it stands for: Time And Relative Dimension In Space.

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